Friday, 27 September 2013

Anxiety and tearfulness remedies

At the bottom of this guide is a section on the dosage and repetition of the remedies.  Please read this careful and feel free to call or email us if you get stuck.  We are happy to give free advice to self-prescribers.

Aconite (Acon.) - Sudden fear and anxiety, can be brought on by pain or illness or an accident or shock. The patient cannot be reassured, no matter what promises you make, and there is a terrible fear of something bad happening. A small shock might lead to a crippling fear of a big accident, a slight illness may create an anxiety about a major illness or even death. Often accompanied with restlessness, so the patient cannot relax or unwind. There may be anxious and frightening dreams as well.

Argentum nitricum (Arg. Nit.) - Terrible anticipation, often leading to diarrhoea. This will be anticipation of something out of your comfort zone - appearing in a play for example, or talking in front of an audience, or a job interview or an exam. A feeling of hurry and irritability, a bit frantic and irrational. Wants to eat sweet or salty food. Worries that they will faint, or pass out.

Arsenicum (Ars.)   - Dreadful fear around health, feels they are incurable and will die. Like Acon. the patient can’t stop moving about, restless. Worse at night, particularly midnight, and can’t bear to be alone. Fearful that something will happen. A bit obsessive - compulsive around tidying, quite fastidious and particular. Very chilly, but pains are likely to be burning. Can wake with anxiety and palpitations.

Causticum (Caust.) - Anxiety about others, particularly children. Sad and hopeless, especially when the anxiety and care has been long-term. Anxiety about the future at twilight, better on going to bed. Weeping easily, over seemingly unimportant things. Insomnia and waking suddenly. Can be critical and suspicious, but also sympathetic and sensitive to injustice.

Gelsemium (Gels.) - For stage fright or public appearances with anxiety. Frequent urination before or after, or even diarrhoea. Wants to be left alone to get on with it. Fears falling, losing self-control, has no courage. Can be very irritable, ‘Leave me alone!’. Can be dizzy, trembling, with fear.

Natrum carbonicum (Nat. Carb.)  - Exhausted from anxiety, with a poor memory and confusion. Can’t add numbers up. Constant fear and anxiety about the future. Worse from music and sunshine. Can be irritable, and avoid friends and family. Feels sad, not bothered by anything or anyone around her. Sensitive to noise, it makes her jump. Prefers to be left alone.

Pulsatilla (Puls.) - Mild, gentle, tearful - and yet irritable! Cries easily, better for a cuddle and some sympathy. Much worse in a stuffy room, and better in the open air. Their low point is the evening, when the sun goes down. Very changeable mood, from peevish to tearful in a flash. Can be sleepless with anxiety, and has a tendency to be fearful of everybody. Yet they are better for company, and much worse on their own.

Dosage & repetition

30c - Take one dose and repeat up to four times daily. 6c or 12c - repeat up to six times daily. 200c -up to three times daily.

Stop taking the remedy if:

·         The symptoms go.

·         You have taken the remedy for three days and nothing has changed.

·         If the symptoms get worse. In this case, stop the remedy and wait - it is likely to work well in the next two or three days.

·         If in doubt call either of us - we are happy to help!

If your symptoms are getting worse, or occur frequently the best thing to do is to come and see us for a remedy which will address your underlying susceptibility to getting these menstrual problems.


It's always wise to go to the doctor, get your problem checked out and get a diagnosis before treating yourself. Don't assume you know what's wrong, and remember pain is always a warning that something is not right.